The New York Times publishes five poems on the election
Election poems
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Friday, 24 October 2008
Greenspan's Testimony
The Wall St Journal carries the full text of Alan Greenspan's questioning of free market risk management
Greenspan Testimony
Greenspan Testimony
Letter from Jaffna
Newsweek reports that though the Sri Lankan Army is pushing back the Tamil Tigers there is still a long way to go before normality will return to the Northern city.
Letter from Jaffna
Letter from Jaffna
NSA Law unto itself
Newsweek reports the Congress is finding the National Security Agency's decision to classify a 'public' report galling.
NSA law unto itself
NSA law unto itself
Al Qaeda on trial - in Saudi Arabia
The Economist reports on the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's intention to try 991 terrorist suspects under Sharia law.
Saudi 991
Saudi 991
European gas pressure builds
The Economist looks at the contest between Russia and Iran to supply the European Union with natural gas. Its a strategic Hobson's choice.
Gas Pressure
Gas Pressure
Friday, 17 October 2008
Spy vs Spy: NSA & Mossad
Ha'aretz's Yossi Melman reviews David Bamford's latest book on the US national Security Agency and his allegations that Israel is a dubious ally.
Vaclav Havel writes for the Jordan Times on the problem of water scarcity in the Middle East
Who is in charge in Poland?
Der Spiegel on the spats between Poland's President Lech Kaczynski and Prime Minister Donald Tusk,1518,584259,00.html,1518,584259,00.html
Ukraine has Kremlin tail twitching
Der Spiegel talks to Kremlin-aligned political strategist Vyacheslav Nikonov about the Russian view of Ukraine joining NATO,1518,584631,00.html,1518,584631,00.html
Khatami for 09 ?
Der Spiegel asks if the former Iranian President will stand in the 2009 elections,1518,584526,00.html,1518,584526,00.html
Victory of a sort
MacLeans magazine looks back on the 2008 Canadian election
ANC rifts continue
The International Herald Tribune reports that Mbhazima Shilowa, one of the ANC's more respected officials and a supporter of Thabo Mbeki, is to join the splinter group led by former Defense Minister Mosiuoa Lekota.
Aceh leader returns to tension
The International Herald Tribune reports that the return of the 83-year old leader of the Aceh independence movement Hasan di Tiro will do little to settle tension on the Indonesian province.
Climate cost disquiet in Europe
The International Herald Tribune reports that Italy and Eastern European nations are getting queasy about the economic cost of proposed climate policies.
Infant mortality rankings shock "first world"
When it comes to infant mortality rates the New York Times reports that so-called second world nations in 1960 are now well ahead of the so-called first world.
No fair! GOP's gone bananas
The LA Times Rosa Brooks says the desertion of the Republican presidential ticket by the GOP's best and brightest only leaves the loonies left to argue with.,0,4661274.column,0,4661274.column
Tuna too cheap in Japan
The Japan Time's nature correspondent argues the price of Tuna in Japanese markets does not reflect the risk of fishing out the species.
"Gaijun" mindset is killing rural Japan
The Japan Times on how even Japanese suffer from a culture of indigenous xenophobia
Sanlu Satire
China Digital Times translation of satire by Xiao Qiang on food, drug and clothing contamination in China
Monday, 13 October 2008
One in six US homes financially 'underwater'
The Wall Street Journal reports mortgages on one in six homes in the US are now greater than the valuation
Obama's new fans: working class women
The Wall Street Journal on why Obama is gaining and McCain is shedding support
Working Class Women switch
Working Class Women switch
US Debtor, China Creditor
China holds US$2 trillion in US debt. The Sydney Morning Herald speculates about what that might mean.
China Creditor
China Creditor
Global shipping rates plunge
The Bangkok Post reports that shipping prices have plunged following the financial crisis
Shipping Rates
Shipping Rates
Gaza banks close to collapse - Blair
The Jordan Times reports mid-east envoy and former British Prime Minister warning that Gaza's banks may collapse
Gaza banks fears
Gaza banks fears
Russians roll out new nukes
The Moscow Times/Reuters reports on test launches of the new Topol intermediate range strategic missile.
New Nukes
New Nukes
The Iraq Campaign with Gen David Petraeus
Der Spiegel interviews the author of the surge strategy and finds him 'coldly realistic'.
Spiegel interview
Spiegel interview
Deforestation costs more than financial crisis
Der Spiegel looks at the environmental costs of deforestation
Deforestation costs more than financial crisis
Deforestation costs more than financial crisis
The Arctic contest heats up
The Economist says Russia's diplomacy in Iceland signals a determination to win the race for resources in the high North
The Arctic contest heats up
The Arctic contest heats up
Thursday, 13 March 2008
Dungeon Master: The life and legacy of Gary Gygax
Wired on the inventor of Dungeons and Dragons, Garry Gygax who died recently aged 68
Dungeon Master:The life and legacy of Garry Gygax
Dungeon Master:The life and legacy of Garry Gygax
Landmines hinder Egyptian access to oil/gas
Der Spiegel reports that landmines buried by British and German combatants during World War Two still curtail development in North Aftican nations such as Egypt.
Landmines hinder Egyptian access to oil/gas
Landmines hinder Egyptian access to oil/gas
They only know how to kill
Times of India's chilling editorial about the violent mindlessness from both the US and the Taliban at work in Pakistan.
They only know how to kill
They only know how to kill
US Middle East Commander "retires"
New York Times on the "retirement" of Admiral Fallon, commander of US forces in the Middle East and a strong proponent of diplomacy
US Middle East Commander "retires"
US Middle East Commander "retires"
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Moko the friendly dolphin saves two whales
New Zealand Herald with a heart-warming story about a dolphin which helped save two stranded whales.
Moko the friendly dolphin saves the whales
Moko the friendly dolphin saves the whales
What's holding back India
The Economist looks at the world's largest democracy an prescribes deregulation.
What's holding back India
What's holding back India
Holes in gravitational theory
The Economist reports that spacecraft deviations from predicted flightpaths are suggesting problems with the gravitational theory on which space navigation is carried out.
Holes in gravitational theory
Holes in gravitational theory
Scepticism Surrounds China Hijack
Time wonders aloud about the content and timing of the Chinese "terror" plot.
Scepticism surrounds China Hijack
Scepticism surrounds China Hijack
ANC President in the dock
Jacob Zuma's (Party president of the ANC) lawyers are challenging the search warrants used to obtain evidence of graft.
ANC President in the dock
ANC President in the dock
Google gets Doubleclick
Wired looks at the privacy implications of the EU's approval of Google to buy ad-tracking company Double Click for US$3.1 billion.
Google gets Doubleclick
Google gets Doubleclick
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
China's military gearing up
The International Herald Tribune reports that China has again increased military spending, citing the "grim situation" with Taiwan.
China gearing up
China gearing up
Religion is a drag - even in Iraq
The International Herald Tribune suggests that young Iraqis have had enough of Jihad and the strictures religious fundamentalism brings with it.
Religion is a drag
Religion is a drag
Saber-Rattling in South America
Der Spiegel reports on how Columbia lost it with Ecuador in its fight to suppress the Revolutionary Forces of Columbia
Saber Rattling in South America
Saber Rattling in South America
Dizzy with (sham) success
This Moscow Times article invokes Stalin's "Dizzy with Success" to question whether Russia's leaders are similarly deluding themselves.
Dizzy with (sham) success
Dizzy with (sham) success
Friday, 29 February 2008
William F Buckley Remembered
The National Review editor was a conservative, to some an extremist, but always erudite and never rude. Salon invites those who know him to look back on his life.
For Obama, a Taste of What a Long Battle Holds
Hilary is a pussycat compared to the Republicans
US imprisons 1 in 100 adults
The New York Times reports on a report by the Pew Center on the "Land of the Free's" stunning incarceration rates.
Websites of evil
Macleans tours the the wonderful web world of "The online worlds of Kim Jong Il, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other notorious unfriendlies"
The Tragedy of Britney Spears
"More than any other star today, Britney epitomizes the crucible of fame for the famous: loving it, hating it and never quite being able to stop it from destroying you." Rolling Stone on the whole sad-arse farce of one silly girl's mess of a life and the voyeuristic schadenfreude of millions of women everywhere.
The myth of the surge
The surge. More US troops were meant to make the difference in Iraq. In fact the US is simply bribing Sunni gangs to keep quiet, according to this article in Rolling Stone.
Amber Room in sight?
The baroque glory of the Prussian/Russian Amber room may be found in crates down a hole in East Germany. Or not. According to this article in Der Spiegel.,1518,537992,00.html,1518,537992,00.html
Can Turkey Succeed in Northern Iraq
Its an incursion that the US reluctantly sanctioned but like the US incursion in Cambodia in the Vietnam War its not achieving much, claims this article in the Der Spiegel.,1518,538169,00.html,1518,538169,00.html
How Europe lost Africa
Europe's treatment of Africa is losing friends and alienating people according to this article from Der Spiegel.,1518,537699,00.html,1518,537699,00.html
Up, up and away what's driving the price of oil
Its not supply and demand according to Der Spiegel, which points the finger at speculators diversifying away from dodgy American real-estate into oil futures.,1518,538412,00.html,1518,538412,00.html
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Hankies out in the Euro zone
When Wall Street sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold. It may not be as true as it once was but even the mighty Euro may have a few sniffles over the American financial crisis, according to the Economist.
Hankies out in the Euro Zone
Hankies out in the Euro Zone
Food Riots of the 21st Century
The South African Mail and Guardian looks at the global grain shortage.
Food Riots of the 21st Century
Food Riots of the 21st Century
Japan gets a whiff of Chinese growth
Japanese gardeners and fishers are facing pollution from across the Sea of Japan according to this story in the Asahi Shimbun.
Japan gets a whiff of Chinese growth
Japan gets a whiff of Chinese growth
Pyongyang unhappy with US in nuke talks
The China Post reports North Korean officials gripes over US negotiation stance
Pyongyang unhappy with US in nuke talks
Pyongyang unhappy with US in nuke talks
GM robot cars by 2018
General Motors, in the throes of being eclipsed as industry #1 is talking up future technology claiming it will be the frst automaker to produce 1 million fuel cell cars and will launch robotic cars by 2018. Wired has its doubts.
GM robot cars by 2018
GM robot cars by 2018
Moscow bullish
Say what you like about Putin's power switcheroo, this report from the Moscow Times illustrates why Russians are feeling more confident than they have in years.
Moscow bullish
Moscow bullish
Why Pakistan is unstable
The Times of India on why Pakistan always seems to lurch from crisis to crisis
Why Pakistan is unstable
Why Pakistan is unstable
Not cricket!
The Times of India in high dudgeon calls for a walk-out of the current Australian cricket test.
Not cricket!
Not cricket!
Kenya Crisis
Jaindi Kisero of the East African reports on the shockwave spreading through East Africa due to the Kenyan Crisis.
Kenya Crisis
Kenya Crisis
Anatomy of a financial crisis
How the Fed pumped up house prices and Wall St may destroy American capitalism. A commentary by Mark W Hendrickson in the Valley Morning Star originally linked by the WSJ.
Part One: rates.
Part Two: derivatives
also see this comedy duo on the same topic
Part One: rates.
Part Two: derivatives
also see this comedy duo on the same topic
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